vineri, 17 septembrie 2010

duminică, 5 septembrie 2010

Se presupune că William Walker Atkinson a fost mason și teosof

Pentru yoghinii care mai cred ca lupta impotriva sistemului si francmasoneriei iata doua exemple care spun cine a fost William Walker Atkinson ,o sursa de inspiratie pentru unii yoghini din tara noastra care ar trebui sa-i puna pe ganduri:

"The Yogi Publication Society, also known as the Yoga Publication Society, published books that were read in front of the Theosophical Society at the Krotona Lodge in Chicago, IL. The Theosophical Society promotes the unity of humanity and encourages the study of religion, philosophy and science so that we may better understand ourselves and our relationships within this multidimensional universe.

William Walker Atkinson
Memory Culture: The Science of Observing, Remembering and Recalling
Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic
Practical Mental Influence and Mental Fascination
Practical Mind Reading
Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing
Reincarnation and the law of Karma: A study of the old-new world-doctrine of rebirth and spiritual cause and effect"


"Supposedly W. W. Atkinson was a freemason and a member of the Theosophical Society and
Golden dawn; he wrote under several pen names: (Ramacharaka (13), Theron Q. Dumont (10),
Swami Panchadasi (5), Theodore Sheldon (1), The Three Initiate (1) The Kybalion and as Magus
Incognito (1) The Secret Doctrines from Rosicruacian), and with his own name undersigned 58 titles,
collecting in that way 105 works in a whole. In them he wrote about psychology-related topics such as
mind power, self-healing, mental fascination, and popular occultism. It is said that he is the author (or one of three - the two others were Paul Foster Case and Marie Corelli) of the well known Kybalion, a
study of the hermetic philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece.
He died November 22, 1932, in Los Angeles."(din cartea WILLIAM WALKER ATKINSON-"REINCARNATION AND THE LAW OF KARMA",capitolul: "About W.W.Atkinson")

Este cel putin ciudat sa spui ca lupti impotriva masoneriei practicand in acelasi timp tehnici spirituale de sorginte masonica.Este ca si cum ai pune un crestin practicant sa lupte impotriva diavolului utilizand metodele de lupta ale acestuia:baut,fumat,perversiuni sexuale.
Ciudat,ciudat tare...